Applying the Concept of Leadership in Nursing Essay Paper

Leadership is an important aspect of governance that is applied in every organization. Public institutions, including healthcare organizations, need the implicative application of extensive leadership in order for the whole system to function accordingly. Such assumption of development insists on putting the right person to take on the position and the responsibilities that are supposed to be completed in accordance with the authority given to the said individuals. Taking their positions seriously and the way they handle their role for the sake of improving public safety and public healthcare development  insists on the capacity of each person [within the system] to take on a specific way of leading the social institution into a certain pattern of growth for the sake of improving the public’s welfare Applying the Concept of Leadership in Nursing Essay Paper.


While it is assumed that nurses take on a more supportive role than that of a position that holds authority over others, nursing operations require high applications of the concepts and principles of leadership. For instance, advance practicing nurses are expected to make a definite turn on how patients are being carefully given attention to. Nurses are not merely assistants who follow the doctors’ orders; instead, they are the ones who have a more established and practically the closest connection with the patients, giving them ample control of the situation. The challenges of dealing with a diversified population of patients who need to be given attention to is one of the most important issues that nurses have to understand and manage accordingly. Being the ones expected to provide direct care for the patients, nurses ought to take the lead in establishing an effective system that would help them become more effective in the way they function and the way they handle their operations. Their close contact with the patients allow them to grow personal interest on improving the situation of the people they serve; to respond to such condition of development, nurses ought to be more than careful, especially in honing the most competent attitudes they have in order to aide their patients in incurring faster and better essence of recovery Applying the Concept of Leadership in Nursing Essay Paper.

Part of the system they ought to establish as the base foundation of their operations is the creation of policies and procedures that are to be used as the core source of competency among nurses and their subordinates. With all the different elements of operations considered, a good set of policies and procedures does create a more distinct sense of trustworthiness among members of the staff which in turn improves the reputation that institution has that the public could easily respond to.

These policies ought to be established to ensure the application of proper procedures of improving healthcare considerations directed for improving public healthcare safety. Most likely, it is with the emergence of such determinable course of procedures that patients are also protected from undergoing undefined operations that often lead to medical malpractice, practically endangering their lives while being subjected to particular medical procedures. It is the utmost concern of healthcare leaders [especially the nurses] to make sure that every step of diagnosing, treating and caring for the patient follow a particular protocol that would protect the values considered by the patients and the medical practitioners all at the same time.

To make sure that the established policies are followed accordingly, the creation of an evaluative program is important. This program shall impose on regularly checking on the quality improvement rate of the services and assistance that the nurses give to the patients within a specific target time (Levine, et al, 1995)Applying the Concept of Leadership in Nursing Essay Paper. Doing so shall help nurses become more aware of what their patients need and respond to such demands as effectively as possible. What constitutes the applicability and goodness of such application of policies? The leadership of those who are supposed to establish cooperation among members of the team ought to be able to make a difference, especially on how the patients are given attention to.

True to its sense, in the field of improving healthcare services and operations, nurses are focused on how the public’s welfare is being taken care of. The power given to this aspect of social institution does increase the capacity of the whole society to function. Healthier members of the society would improve the possibility by which the whole community advances towards improvement. Hence, it should be accepted that nurses take a great role, not only in leading their teams into completing the tasks that they are expected to accomplish, but also in empowering the society towards functioning properly for the sake of redefining the path of development that the people respond to. This is what good leadership is about, this is what good nursing practice should be based upon.

In conclusion, it is then agreeable to assume that good nursing leadership is based upon the concern and personal interest that the nurses themselves have towards the patients that they ought to take care of and give specific attention to. What makes nursing operations more effective is the fact that the role the nurses take into account becomes even better defined through the steps they take in determining how the people’s health ought to be protected and improved (Egenes, 2009)Applying the Concept of Leadership in Nursing Essay Paper. The larger scale of the nurses’ role in empowering the society’s growth and development insists on the capacity of the said members of the society to become more concerned about how they are to improve their impact on the people through leading change and imposing adjustments in the procedures and policies they follow in order for everything to be aligned towards the common goal of improving the lifestyle and the health status of the public especially in the hope of creating better aspects of healthcare systems dedicated to the establishment of a highly performing group of individuals who are capable of embracing a lifestyle dedicated to developments and improvements. Applying the Concept of Leadership in Nursing Essay Paper